German Rat
Day 6
Könnten Sie mir bitte eine Weinempfehlung geben?
Use this phrase when you want the server to suggest a wine that pairs well with your meal.
English Translation:
Could you please give me a wine recommendation?
Kœnnten Zee meer bit-tuh eye-nuh Vine-emp-feh-loong geh-ben?
Ich würde gerne wissen, ob es eine Spezialität des Hauses gibt.
This phrase is useful for finding out if the restaurant has a signature dish.
English Translation:
I would like to know if there is a house specialty.
Ikh vœr-duh gair-nuh viss-en, ob ess eye-nuh Speh-tsee-ahl-ee-tayt dess How-zess geept.
Können Sie das Essen bitte ohne Knoblauch zubereiten?
Use this phrase if you want your dish to be made without garlic, either due to preference or allergy.
English Translation:
Can you prepare the food without garlic, please?
Kœnnen Zee dahs Ess-en bit-tuh oh-neh Knob-louch tsoo-buh-ry-ten?
Darf ich nach der Herkunft der Zutaten fragen?
This phrase is useful if you are interested in the quality or source of the food's ingredients.
English Translation:
May I ask about the origin of the ingredients?
Darf ikh nahkh dare Hair-koonft dare Tsoo-tah-ten frah-gen?
Haben Sie auch glutenfreie Optionen auf der Speisekarte?
This phrase is helpful for people who need or prefer to eat gluten-free.
English Translation:
Do you also have gluten-free options on the menu?
Hah-ben Zee owkh gloo-ten-fry-uh Op-tsee-ohn-en owf dare Shpy-zuh-kar-tuh?